It doesn’t take entomophobia, a crippling fear of insects, in order to prioritize fixing your at-home pest problem.1 If left unchecked, some pests can overrun an otherwise clean home, wreaking havoc on you and your family’s peace of mind. And that’s before we talk about the serious structural damage that some infestations can do to your home.2
If it isn’t bad enough that these unsanitary houseguests just decide to share your living space, it seems like they always choose the height of summer as their ideal move-in date. Today, we’re going to break down the reasons why pests flourish in the summer months and, more importantly, what you can do about it.

Most Common Pests
The frequency with which you interact with the various pests on this list can vary depending on where you live. Having said that, dealing with these annoying intruders is as universal to the modern human experience as say breathing.
We’re used to seeing houseflies, fruit flies, black flies, and horse flies. That’s okay. But, seeing too many of them is a bad sign.
Although you may not be capable of hurting one, their ability to transmit Salmonella and E. coli can certainly hurt you.3
Bed Bugs
The prevalence of these sleep-disruptors is on the rise, which is especially unfortunate for anyone stuck in a high rise.
Sure, bed bugs can bite. But the psychological trauma that they can cause to a sleepless family and the cost to get rid of them for good is the real price.4
These creepy crawlers are resourceful. They can hide virtually anywhere, and are all but impossible to eliminate without trained, professional help.5
Did someone say resourceful?
Termites feed on wood 24-hours a day, creating major problems for unsuspecting homeowners. Termite damage costs homes and businesses nearly $5 billion a year in damages.6
Rats spread disease.7 They can also damage insulation, chew through floor joists and walls, and even cause fires by chewing through electrical cables. Furthermore, once they gain access to your home, they are all but impossible to get rid of without the help of a professional.8
Pests Thrive in the Summer
All the pests that we just mentioned, and a lot of the ones that we didn’t, tend to flourish in the summer months. There are many reasons that this is the case, but here’s a brief breakdown of the most popular causes.
With the changing of the seasons comes a shift in pest behavior. A shift to warmer weather means a sharp increase in pest activity. However, pests have their limits. While extreme heat does lower pest activity, the general summer climate is a welcome one for most pests.
More Food
More than just the heat, the summer months lead to the growth of many pests’ food sources like grass clippings and animal waste. And more food means more pests.
More Daylight
Some pests are more active at night, but most of them tend to enjoy the longer stretches of sunlight that comes with the spring and summer months. More sunlight means more activity, which brings about even more pests.
Increased Moisture
The warmest season of the year is also the most humid. While this extra moisture can lead to increased rainfall, the dampness also provides a steady source of life-giving water to many of your least-favorite intruders. For instance, mosquitos thrive in areas with increased moisture.
Life Cycle
The various life cycles of rodents, cockroaches, flies, mosquitos, and ants are structured around the warmer weather. Some pests hibernate through the colder months, while others migrate. Either way, it all leads to an increase in numbers during the summer months.9
How to Find Fumigation Deals
So, you’ve decided that now is the time to fumigate. A wise choice. Letting a pest problem persist can cause sever structural damage to your home. That’s before we even mention the psychological impact an infestation can have on you and your family.
Making that decision doesn’t necessarily have to break open your budget though. You do have options.
Yes, you can fumigate yourself, though the DIY solution is far from optimal. After all, you’ll be handling and administering potentially harmful chemicals in an area where you and your family work, eat, and play every day. You also run the risk of spending all the money on gear and materials only to discover that you missed an area and have to run it all back one more time.
Having said all of that, with the proper know-how and safety precautions, you can save money doing it yourself.
Pests aren’t the only ones that are more active in the summer months. Pest control companies are highly active too. After all, this is their busy season.
Shop around, make some phone calls, and scour your local newspapers for seasonal discounts and service-based coupons. It wouldn’t be the first time that a quick Google search saved you big.
As grandpa always says, you don’t know the answer unless you ask. Call around, get quotes, and haggle for discounts.
Cheaper isn’t always better, but competition in the pest control industry is very stiff. A lot of companies offer first-time customer discounts, with some willing to budge on their bottom line to give them a leg up on the competition.
You never want to wait so long for fumigation that the problem becomes worse, but a few days haggling on the phone could pay off.10