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What Are the Best Job Advertising Options?

6 minute read

By Hayley Harrison

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates the creation of 11.9 million new jobs in the U.S. between 2020 and 2030.1 Whether you own a small business or are a hiring manager for a large corporation, you’ll have to compete for the most qualified candidates available to fill open positions. As a result, the way you advertise your open jobs matters.

When determining how to advertise jobs, keep in mind that the unemployed aren’t the only ones you wish to target. A study conducted by LinkedIn found that 30 percent of the currently employed workforce is actively looking for new opportunities at any given time, so your advertising strategy must include methods of reaching these individuals.2

garagestock / Shutterstock

The following are some of the best ways to advertise new jobs, which ones are ideal for your advertising plan depends on your budget, location, and the types of candidates you hope to attract.

Internal Job Boards

The most highly qualified candidate for your open position may already be working for you in another area of the company. By creating an internal job board accessible only to your employees, you can spread the word about new opportunities. Hiring from within your company can cut down on your need to advertise jobs in the future.

One study found that one out of every five people who left their employers did so because they didn’t see any room for advancement in their current positions. Your internal hiring efforts can demonstrate your commitment to developing your team and potentially boost employee retention.3

In-House Referral Programs

If your existing employees aren’t right for an open job, they may know someone who is. Referrals from current employees are one of the most powerful sources of quality candidates. After all, your team members already know who you are and what you do, and they can accurately describe your corporate culture and the types of jobs you offer.

An employee referral program gives your employees an incentive to advertise open jobs on your behalf. You can offer a prize or a monetary reward like $50 for each hired employee who remains in their position for 90 days.

Official Company Website

Your official website gives you a free source of advertising for open positions. With the right search engine optimization, you can increase your chances of people finding your company when they’re looking for job openings in your area.

To increase your conversion rate, consider giving site visitors the ability to fill out the entire job application right on your site. This way, hiring managers can conduct prescreening and set up interviews for qualified applicants more quickly.

College and University Partnerships

If your open job is an ideal entry-level position, local post-secondary institutions can provide excellent candidates. Look for trade schools, community colleges and public and private four-year colleges and universities that offer majors relevant to your open position. Then, contact their career services or advising departments to discuss job advertising possibilities.

Some schools maintain websites that list entry-level job openings for students to review. Others provide career placement services that match students with employers who are looking to hire. Both types of advertising are usually free for employers and available at a low cost.

Jobs Fairs

Many communities hold regular job fairs to help individuals looking for work to connect with employers. If you participate in one, you could walk away with a list of dozens of potential candidates for your open job.

Participation costs vary with some fairs, allowing some employers to set up exhibits for free. Even if you do find a free job fair, you’ll need to invest in an eye-catching booth that will draw event attendees. You can jump-start the hiring process by allowing people to fill out applications on-site and participate in on-the-spot interviews.

State Workforce Development Offices

Most states sponsor workforce development offices that help residents find employment or train to enter various industries. Often, these government agencies are actively looking for employers to partner with, and you can consider working with them to promote your entry-level jobs.

Becoming a partner with a state agency can be an excellent way to increase diversity, as often their programs target disabled, underprivileged, minority and other traditionally marginalized communities. In most cases, advertising your job through workforce development offices is free.

Paid Job Boards

If you have room in your budget to pay a monthly fee ranging from around $100 to $300, a paid job board can be a highly effective way to advertise open positions. Some boards give you the ability to try their service for free or offer free basic postings plus paid options for additional services or enhanced listings. Ones that require a monthly fee usually allow you to post an unlimited or set number of jobs per month.

Popular paid job boards include Career Bliss, CareerBuilder, Indeed, Jobvertise, Monster, Nexxt, and Snagajob.

Veterans’ Employment and Training Services

Those who serve in the military develop many skills that can translate to success in various workplaces. For example, military service demands organizational and communication skills and often cultivates leadership ability. As a result, veterans can make strong candidates for open jobs.

The U.S. Department of Labor and Veteran’s Administration provides several programs to help vets find work after being honorably discharged from the military. You can use hiring boards and career placement services offered through these programs to advertise your jobs to qualified veterans.4

Print and Online Local Classifieds

Although people now have many options beyond the Help Wanted page to find job opportunities, classified ads remain an economical yet powerful way of reaching qualified applicants, particularly if you live in a smaller city or town. When you run a print-based ad, you can typically choose from a variety of size and placement options to find a solution that fits your budget.

Many newspapers and local television and radio stations also offer online classified ads that you can purchase. Some publishers offer packages that include both print and online advertising for one discounted price.


LinkedIn has become one of the most popular ways for candidates to research and find open positions for jobs. Your company can choose to pay a LinkedIn Recruiter to advertise open jobs directly to the most qualified candidates who use the social networking site. However, it’s possible to find quality applicants without paying the monthly fee for the service. Hiring managers can also browse profiles of users in your area and contact them directly to introduce themselves and discuss potential job opportunities.


With more than 290 million users5, Twitter gives you a large audience to advertise your jobs for little to no cost. To make the most out of the social media site, you’ll need to create a short, to-the-point description of your job and provide a link for potential applicants to click for more information.

Incorporating humor, a video or a graphic can increase visibility and raise the likelihood of people re-tweeting or sharing your ad. You can also pay to boost your tweet by showing it to the general public or a target market that you specify.


If your job has a physical location in a high-traffic area, a simple help wanted sign can be an effective way to advertise your open position. You can create a low-cost paper version and print it yourself or pay to have a professional sign produced.

Either way, make sure that the sign is easy to read from a distance. Try to highlight a few selling points of the job, such as the pay rate and what type of benefits you offer. Also, consider using magnetic signage to advertise open jobs on the sides of your company-owned vehicles.


If you want to attract applicants from Gen Z, TikTok can be a powerful advertising tool. While sites such as Instagram and Snapchat are losing popularity, TikTok usage grew by 13 percent among this demographic from 2020 to 2021.6

To get noticed, you’ll need to create a video that’s fun to watch and likely to receive comments and shares. The short cap on time means your message will also need to be succinct. Hone in on the biggest benefits of the job and the top reasons why someone would want to work for your company.


For high-level executive positions, headhunters can be an effective means of advertising your jobs. Experienced headhunters often have a large network of professionals to draw from and are experts at matching employers with candidates. Some specialize in one industry, while others work for many kinds of businesses.

Normally, you only pay a headhunter or recruiter if they successfully fill your job for you, giving them ample incentive to locate the best potential applicants. Keep in mind that you’re not limited to just one advertising option. Often, the best approach is to strategically use a mix of vehicles.

Hayley Harrison


Hayley Harrison is a freelance writer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After receiving a degree in the History of Art and Architecture from the University of Pittsburgh, she changed gears and pursued a career in banking. In 2002, she began producing financial literacy articles, and eventually moved to writing full-time on a variety of subjects, including health, food, travel and career planning.


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