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9 Amazing Places to Retire on a Fixed Income Featured-Travel

9 Amazing Places to Retire on a Fixed Income

When you decide to retire, there are a lot of factors to consider. For some people, retirement is their only opportunity to enjoy their hometown after years of long hours on the job. For others, their desire to explore new areas and try out new living situations. But it’s also important to search for affordable […]

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5 minute read

5 Benefits of Becoming a Truck Driver after Retirement Senior

5 Benefits of Becoming a Truck Driver after Retirement

Due to the success of retailers like Walmart and Amazon, goods are being shipped across the United States at an unprecedented rate, and trucking companies are having difficulty keeping up. This has created a shortage of more than 50,000 truck drivers even though employers are willing to pay as much as $80,000 per year to […]

Read More about 5 Benefits of Becoming a Truck Driver after Retirement

4 minute read