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Amazing Skin Tightening Treatments That Really Work

4 minute read

By natadm

As you age, it’s natural for your skin to sag a bit. Unfortunately, this leads to a less youthful appearance.

The good news is you can give your face a lift and remove wrinkles without major surgery. Here are a few skin tightening treatments that actually work.

Ultrasound Therapy

If you’re only dealing with mild skin sagging, ultrasound therapy may prove to be the perfect solution. It’s a great choice for women over the age of 30.

When performing this treatment, the dermatologist will place a handheld device directly on the skin. Amazingly, it has the ability to reach deep below the surface. Heat then induces the production of more collagen, which helps greatly reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Cell turnover increases dramatically. Over time, expect your face to look younger and tighter.

For good reason, ultrasound therapy has become quite popular in recent years. It’s especially effective at tightening the skin around your eyebrows and neck. Because ultrasound therapy is non-invasive and does not cause any downtime, clients don’t have to worry about missing time off from work. There are no needles or stitches involved.

Side effects are minimal. Although you may experience temporary redness and slight swelling, these symptoms should subside quickly. The entire procedure usually lasts between 30 minutes and an hour. While the results of ultrasound therapy can last for an entire year, you will likely need several treatments before noticing a big improvement.1

Prices for ultrasonic therapy can vary according to your region of the country. Nevertheless, expect to pay between $1,000 and $5,000 for the total treatment. Although the cost of ultrasonic treatment may seem expensive at first, it’s actually quite affordable in comparison to facelift surgery.2

Radio Frequency Therapy

Like ultrasound therapy, radio frequency therapy is another safe way to tighten your facial skin. This should appeal to women who want to avoid the risks that come with surgery. It’s been cleared by the FDA for more than 15 years and many high-profile celebrities rave about how well it works.

So, what exactly is radio frequency therapy? Similar to ultrasound therapy, it triggers the growth of collagen and cell turnover by sending heat deep beneath the skin. However, radio frequency energy is used to accomplish the task. After continuing to receive treatment, your skin will gradually start to tighten and exhibit a younger glow. Redness around the face is the most common side effect, which should go away after 24 hours.

Although radio frequency therapy isn’t an invasive treatment, dermatologists still take the necessary steps to deter side effects. Before the treatment is performed, a numbing cream is applied to the skin to minimize any discomfort. A gel will be used as well, which helps the device to smoothly glide over the skin.

There’s more than one way to perform radio frequency therapy. Some physicians will use a thin tube as opposed to a handheld device. This is especially true for loose skin under the neck.3

Radio frequency treatments are quick and easy. You can even get it done during your lunch break. The average session only takes around 30 minutes. Keep in mind that radio frequency skin tightening is not a quick fix. Clients need to receive at least six treatments on average.

Radio frequency therapy is easier on the wallet than some other skin tightening treatments. Anticipate paying $50 to $100 per session.4


Although microneedling might sound scary to some people, it’s a minimally invasive treatment. Microneedling involves pricking your face with hundreds of tiny pins. Because these needles only cause minor puncture wounds, you’ll barely even feel them. Expect to experience mild irritation after your session. Makeup can be used to conceal the redness.

When performing a microneedling treatment, doctors use a pen-like tool. It’s evenly moved across the skin. While the procedure itself only takes 30 minutes to complete, doctors will need an hour of prep time. The use of a topical anesthetic helps keep pain to a minimum.

After receiving microneedling therapy, your body responds by increasing collagen and elastin production. This treatment definitely helps to counter the effects of aging. New, more vibrate skin gradually starts to emerge. Over time, you can look forward to seeing noticeably fewer wrinkles on your face.

Microneedling has definitely proved to be effective. According to a study, four microneedling sessions can increase collagen production by 400 percent.5 You only need to receive one session per month.

Microneedling is generally safe for most people. Nevertheless, it’s not advisable for pregnant women. You should also avoid microneedling when using certain acne products.

The cost of each microneedling session will be between $100 and $700.6 In the skincare world, microneedling is a true bang for the buck. After your initial four sessions, quarterly procedures may be needed to keep your skin looking its best.

Book a Consultation

As you can see, surgery isn’t the only option when it comes to tightening your skin and reducing wrinkles.

It’s always best to call a clinic and book a consultation, which can often be free, before committing to a treatment. Nothing beats being able to get evaluated by an expert.




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