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4 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer for Your Timeshare Exit

4 minute read

By natadm

A timeshare sounds fantastic at first. With free food and drinks, a quick presentation, and a down payment, you own a vacation home that you can use year after year anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, most timeshare owners quickly regret their decision – often, once you own a timeshare, you may feel like you don’t use it enough, like you’re still spending thousands on vacations, and a host of other problems. If you’re tired of paying several thousand dollars in annual fees and only using your timeshare sporadically, you’ll want to get rid of it.

But getting rid of a timeshare isn’t as easy as purchasing one.  Owning a timeshare can make you feel you’ve been entrapped. Your timeshare company won’t let you back out, and you’ll have a long legal battle if you want to end your contract. If you’re trying to figure out how to rid yourself of your timeshare, you need an experienced timeshare attorney.

A timeshare attorney can free you of your timeshare and make the process far less difficult. Here’s why.

Free Consultations

Attorneys cost money, and many people worry that even speaking to an attorney about their timeshare will result in a big, expensive bill. If you’re hesitant about contacting an attorney, it’s important to know that most attorneys who help people with timeshare exits offer free consultations. This lets you gain valuable information at no cost. You can ask your most pressing questions, seek advice on the first steps to get rid of your timeshare, or even inquire about a legal battle with your timeshare company – all for free. You’ll also be able to better assess whether or not you want to retain a timeshare attorney after you have met with him or her during a free consultation.

A Timeshare Lawyer Could Save You Money

Ready to hire a timeshare lawyer? Paying for an attorney won’t break the bank, and it can even save you money in the end.

Many timeshare lawyers charge an upfront flat fee to people who want to exit their timeshares. Paying the attorney’s fee may be much less expensive than continuing on indefinitely with your timeshare. Over time, the choice to hire a timeshare lawyer can save you thousands of dollars in fees you would otherwise be forced to continue paying. In some cases, the attorneys may find provisions in the timeshare contracts that are illegal, allowing the potential to invalidate the contract and recover money from the companies.

You’ll Have Protection from Debt Collections

The high fees, associated costs, and interest payments required of a timeshare contract are what most often drive people to try to exit timeshares. When you hire a timeshare lawyer, your lawyer can help you to gain protection from debt collectors who might attempt to collect on the debts.

Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, third-party debt collectors are forbidden from making direct contacts to debtors who have attorneys. Instead, all of their communications about your timeshare debts must go to your attorney – not you. Debt collectors cannot contact you when you have a lawyer unless they are given permission to do so. If the debt collector persists in harassing you by telephone or contacting you by mail despite the fact that you have an attorney, you may be able to recover damages against the debt collector under the FDCPA.

The protection under the FDCPA can help you to stop harassment from third-party debt collectors. Many developers and resorts rely on third-party debt collectors. When these collection companies are unable to succeed because of your attorney’s representation of you, they may send your file back to the developer or the resort. This gives you some added leverage so your lawyer enters negotiations with the upper hand.

Time Share Cancellation Can Be Tricky

It is common for resorts and developers to claim that there is no way for you to exit your timeshare. Despite these assertions, getting out of a timeshare is possible. However, canceling your timeshare without help can be tricky. An experienced lawyer whose practice includes assisting people with timeshare contract exits may be knowledgeable about the laws and regulations that govern timeshares in the state in which yours is located. Some states have cooling-off periods that allow you to cancel the contracts before they expire. Even if you are past the state’s cooling off period, it is still possible to cancel your timeshare.

Timeshare attorneys who are legitimate should be able to advise you about whether you might have legal claims that are available to you that you can use to cancel your contract and possibly get some of your money back. An attorney may send a demand letter to the resort on your behalf and take over all communications with the company for you. In a majority of cases, experienced timeshare lawyers are able to reach negotiated settlements that allow their clients to get out of their timeshare contracts.

Get Started with a Free Timeshare Attorney Consultation

While getting out of a timeshare contract might seem tricky, getting help from an experienced lawyer may make it much easier. An attorney may save you thousands of dollars in the fees that you might be otherwise forced to pay. And getting started doesn’t cost a cent.

Many attorneys may offer free consultations, and they may be able to give you an honest assessment of your potential legal claims before you have to pay any legal fees. A free consultation with a timeshare attorney is your first step in fighting your timeshare company and getting your freedom back.

Like anything, it’s always a good idea to be aware of the latest research. We recommend comparing at least 3 or 4 options before making a final decision. Doing a search online is typically the quickest, most thorough way to discover all the pros and cons you need to keep in mind.




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