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4 Fitness Classes That Make Working Out Fun

4 minute read

By natadm

Exercise is crucial. It’s how we keep ourselves healthy, in addition to a good diet, and exercise can improve everything from physical health to mood to energy levels. And there’s no better way to stay healthy than to follow a regular workout routine.

But hitting the gym isn’t exactly exciting. Most people hate performing the same exercises on difficult machines each week – and if you don’t enjoy exercise, you’ll never stick with it. Fortunately, there are plenty of different types of fitness that can get you motivated and healthy.

Whether you’re looking for a new way to workout or don’t have much fitness knowledge or experience, there’s a fitness class out there that you’ll enjoy. Here are four different classes that will keep you healthy, improve your strength, and introduce you to new people.

1. Group Fitness

Don’t have much fitness knowledge? Can’t stand working out alone among the gym’s intimidating machines? Group fitness is the perfect answer to your workout woes.

Group fitness classes are all about teaming up with individuals who are just like you: people who want to get in shape and who are all at the same level of experience. If you’re just starting out, group fitness classes are a fantastic way to build a foundation and discover what types of exercise you really enjoy. From Zumba to aerobics to cardio dance, there’s a fun group fitness class out there to try.

Group fitness classes provide a unique learning experience and a safe environment for physical activities. They’re taught by dedicated instructors who are motivating, high-spirited, and trained in the classes’ specific workouts. Even more importantly, group fitness instructors help you perfect your form and build endurance with their guidance.

2. Yoga

If you want a workout that improves your whole body, try yoga. A centuries-old practice, yoga targets the mind, the body, and the soul to improve your health inside and out. Yoga at its core builds muscle strength as you hold poses for different periods of time, and can incorporate weights, exercises like lunges, and body-soothing stretches.

Yoga classes are available for all different fitness levels, and there are fun options to try within your beginner, intermediate, or expert ranges. Hot yoga will get you sweating with even subtle movements, while combined yoga and meditation classes will help you find your center while you strengthen your body. Every yoga class is lead by a trained – and often certified – yogi who will guide you through the poses of each flow and talk you through everything from breathing to your inner thoughts.

3. Pilates

Pilates is popular worldwide for good reasons. Designed to improve strength, stability, and flexibility, Pilates is a workout that will challenge you to your core – and it even helps improve your posture.

Pilates is a core-focused workout. Each move is meant to target your core muscles, though you’ll get a full body workout in every class. Pilates can be done either on a mat with zero equipment or on a reformer, a sliding bed-like machine that utilizes some light equipment. If you want to challenge yourself and your body, you’ll break a sweat in Pilates class even if the moves seem incredibly easy at first.

Pilates classes are also a great option for those who’d like a bit more guidance in their fitness routine. Instructors teach private, semi-private, or group classes and guide your form in every move. You’ll also learn adjustments to make each exercise easier or more difficult, letting you adapt Pilates to suit your fitness level.

4. Fitness Boot Camps

Want to be pushed to your limits? Fitness boot camps will get the job done – but they aren’t for shy or hesitant people. In a fitness boot camp, you’ll be tested physically and mentally as instructors put you through an incredibly intense workout.

A fitness boot camp means you’ll be tackling exercises that range from cardio to weights to unique challenges like mud runs, ground crawls, and other innovative workout moves. Quitting isn’t an option, and your instructors will typically motivate you with shouts and military-like treatment if you’re lagging behind. Fitness boot camps are fun for many people because it gives them only one way out: you have to improve and you have to finish the class as best you can. This builds endurance and your mental strength, proving that you can tackle a fitness challenge.

What Do Fitness Classes Cost?

It’s easy to push fitness and exercise aside because of its cost. Many people can’t afford the monthly or yearly cost of a gym membership, but the exciting fitness options discussed above don’t require a big financial commitment or a traditional gym. And they can be cheap and affordable.

Many gyms will let people sign up and pay for classes without getting a membership today, while other fitness spots offer affordable package deals for those who want to work out a few times each week. As Working Mother¹ reports, the average yoga, pilates, or other instructor-led fitness class ranges from $10 to $35 in price. And there are ways to cut that cost. Many fitness companies will offer discounts if you purchase multiple classes at a time. Sites like Groupon and LivingSocial also offer discounted fitness class rates for different cities and types of fitness programs across the country. It’s up to you to search around for the best deal.

There’s no better time than right now to invest in your health. While a healthy diet is crucial, you can’t forgo exercise – working out brings a host of benefits that keep you strong and healthy at every stage of life. You’re bound to achieve much better results with the help of a trained instructor in one of the above fitness classes that combine fun with tough workouts. Search for fitness classes in your area, and get started on your own path to better health.

Like anything, it’s always a good idea to be aware of the latest research. We recommend comparing at least 3 or 4 options before making a final decision. Doing a search online is typically the quickest, most thorough way to discover all the pros and cons you need to keep in mind.




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